

(Beshalach 13:17) It happened when Pharoah sent out...
The expression "sent out" implies an escort or accompaniment. Thus Pharoah escorted B'nei Yisrael out of Egypt with honor (Mechilta).  At the End of Parshas Shemos we discussed how the plight of the children of Israel in Egypt became unbearable when Pharaoh decreed that they would be responsible for gathering straw in addition to the already back breaking labor of their servitude. It was as if a sword had been handed to Pharaoh with which to murder them.
Yet, G-d was the true source of this decree.  It was his way of getting them to agree to leave their homes and possessions and impulsively go out into the desert without provisions with this additional burden, the children of Israel could think only of how to rid themselves of their brutal masters and intolerable labor.  It is inconceivable that Bnei Yisrael would even consider returning to Egypt of their own free will.
During their final days in Egypt, however,  the Egyptians befriended B'nei Yisrael and lent them gold and silver vessels.  Pharaoh himself turned out to escort Moses and Aharon and even beseeched them "to bless him as well" (12:32)
Alas this is the error which seems typical of the Jewish People.  Foolishly, we tend to quickly forget the iniquities perpetrated against us by the nations of the world.  All they need do is to favor us with the slightest smile, and we believe that they have become our dearest friends.

After experiencing the honor accorded them upon leaving Egypt, B'nei Yisrael now believed the Egyptions would treat them like human beings. When they said "Better we should serve Egypt" (14:12) , and "Let us choose a leader and return to Egypt" (Bamidbar 14:4), Moses showed them Joseph's coffin, saying, "Consider Joseph's treatment by the Egyptians.  He saved them from starvation and brought wealth to the entire country yet they still made his brothers slaves, those same brothers who had come to live in Egypt at Pharaoh's invitation.  Can such ingrates be trusted?"

Insights in the Torah, Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin

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